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Host Women-Centric Events on International Women’s Day

The WordPress Community Team has proposed hosting women-centric events on International Women’s Day through local WordPress communities to celebrate, empower, and inspire women. These events are envisioned as platforms where women can connect, share experiences, and enhance their skills in an inclusive and supportive environment.

Event Formats and Application

These events could take various forms, such as networking sessions, workshops, talks, learning activities, or mentorship opportunities. Local communities interested in organizing such events can apply through the Creative WordPress Events Form. Approved communities will receive a dedicated website and a stipend of $100 – $500 USD to support the event.

Call for Volunteers and Designers

The team is also seeking volunteer designers to create a banner and logo for the event, as well as a sticker sheet featuring female Wapuu designs.

Vision and Goal

Pooja Derashri shared the vision of the team regarding this event: “By organizing women-centric WordPress events on International Women’s Day, we can spark meaningful conversations and encourage more women to join, lead, and contribute to WordPress. It’s an opportunity to strengthen our community and amplify women’s voices in open source.”

Past Initiatives

The WordPress community has a history of organizing women-only events/initiatives. Notably, WordPress 6.4 and WordPress 5.6 were led by teams composed of women and underrepresented gender groups.

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