The _Star Wars_ community was recently shaken by the news of Watto’s apparent demise, the Toydarian junk dealer and former owner of Anakin Skywalker. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that things are more complex than initially thought.
The second issue of _Legacy of Vader_, written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Luke Ross and Nolan Woodard, follows a young Kylo Ren as he embarks on a journey to explore Darth Vader’s legacy. Accompanied by Vaneé, Vader’s former attendant, Ren seeks to understand his grandfather’s past and the power of narrative. The story delves into the theme of awareness of narrative, highlighting the difference between truth and the power of presenting that narrative.
Kylo Ren, still grappling with the turmoil of _The Last Jedi_, aims to control his story and that of his predecessors through destructive means. In contrast, Vaneé wields the power of Vader’s actual narrative, revealing secrets from Palpatine’s files and emphasizing that someone’s history cannot be erased. This ideological push-and-pull drives the story forward, ultimately leading to the reveal of Watto’s fate.

The story takes a surprising turn when Vaneé reveals that Vader had other priorities and did not kill Watto. The fate of Watto remains uncertain, leaving the reader wondering if he might still be alive. This twist challenges the expectation that every facet of the _Star Wars_ story must have a grand, important fact at its root.

_Star Wars_ fans often prioritize facts and canonical interpretations, driving debates and analysis. The ambiguity surrounding Watto’s fate serves as a reminder that some parts of a story might not be as grand or important as imagined. Sometimes, a character’s fate can be left uncertain, and that uncertainty can be more intriguing than a definitive answer.
The story of _Legacy of Vader_ is less about Vader’s legacy and more about the way we tell stories, highlighting the power of narrative and the importance of leaving some things uncertain. This approach challenges the expectation that every facet of the _Star Wars_ story must have a predetermined, powerful fact at its root.
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