Introducing Chaka Khan on Waze
The iconic “Every Woman” singer, Chaka Khan, is partnering with Waze to bring a sense of calm to your daily commute. As a long-time meditator and advocate for mindfulness, Chaka Khan infuses her soothing energy and wisdom into the navigation app, transforming your drive into a tranquil experience.
With Chaka Khan’s gentle voice guiding you through traffic, you’ll receive reminders to stay focused and present on the road. Her navigation prompts, such as “Buckle up, take a deep breath, and let’s take this journey one mile at a time” and “I’m feeling good today, and I hope you are too. Let’s spread that positive energy as we hit the road,” help turn your drive into a meditative experience.
To immerse yourself in Chaka Khan’s calming presence, select the “Focused” mood, which determines how you appear on the Waze map, and choose Chaka’s Morris, a nod to her first car, a Morris Minor, as your custom vehicle.
This unique experience is available globally with English voice navigation. Ensure you have the latest Waze version and look for the “Chaka Khan” banner in the app’s left-side column menu, or activate it now.
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