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Introduction to Better Sleep

Personally, the most effective thing I’ve done to improve my sleep is removing my phone from the bedroom. It might seem counterintuitive, then, to recommend a smartphone app to aid in sleep. However, Headspace has a positive impact on sleep, unlike social media. This app, available on both iOS and Android, features a wide range of meditations and exercises designed to help users relax and fall asleep.

Features of Headspace

I find the shorter wind-down segments, which last a few minutes, particularly helpful for conducting a full body scan to relax. The longer "Sleepcasts" are approximately 45 minutes long and feature calming stories, including a few Star Wars-themed tales. However, I found the Star Wars stories more stimulating than sleep-inducing, making me want to watch more Mandalorian. The app also offers sleep music and soundscapes that combine ambient sounds with tones and melodies, lasting up to 500 minutes. Additionally, there’s a "Nighttime SOS" page with guided exercises to help users fall back asleep if they wake up due to bad dreams, work stress, or other issues.

Subscription and Additional Benefits

The yearly subscription to Headspace costs $70, or users can opt for a monthly payment of $13. Beyond sleep content, the subscription includes daytime meditations and sessions focused on breathing, stress management, and concentration, all of which can contribute to improved sleep quality. If you decide to use Headspace in the bedroom, ensure that your phone’s sleep focus or bedtime mode is enabled to prevent nighttime notifications from undoing the app’s benefits.

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