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Following months of complaints from Retroid Pocket Mini buyers regarding the appearance of games when utilizing shaders, Retroid has established a new return window for those seeking refunds. However, there are certain limitations. According to a screenshot shared by , the China-based company stated in a Discord message that the return window will be open from March 8 to March 14, with only 200 overseas returns accepted, and customers will be responsible for paying for shipping. As a gesture of goodwill, the company is offering all owners “a $10 stackable coupon for the upcoming Retroid Flip2 and Retroid Classic.”

Retroid Pocket Mini owners have been attempting to address the issue of the since shortly after the device’s release last fall. As explained by , “The shader issue is mostly noticeable when specific CRT shaders are applied to older games, resulting in misplaced scanlines, uneven pixels, or a slightly distorted image.” After extensive discussion, the company recently stated that the issue cannot be fixed, attributing it to the screen driver, as seen in Discord screenshots shared by RetroHandhelds.

Prior to the latest update from Retroid, some buyers reported that their return requests were denied. In the Discord message this weekend, the company stated, “Please note that this is a significant and costly endeavor for our team, and we anticipate a large number of return requests unrelated to screen issues.” Further down, it added, “For users who do not heavily rely on CRT shaders or pixel grid effects, we encourage you to reserve this opportunity for those who genuinely need it.”

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