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The future of the Power Rangers franchise is uncertain, but it may be headed back to its roots with the assistance of generative AI technology.

This past weekend at the New York Toy Fair, attendees discovered that Playmates, the company holding the franchise’s toy license, is collaborating with Hasbro to re-release Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on YouTube and Netflix in July. The goal is to attract new fans to the series, a strategy that has been attempted before. In 2010, MMPR was rebroadcast on ABC with updated visual effects and a new intro sequence. However, what sets this new version, subtitled Re-Ignition, apart is the use of generative AI to remaster the series, which may also be applied to subsequent seasons.

Generative AI has been a topic of debate since its inception. In the past year, viewers have criticized studios for using genAI on remasters of films like True Lies and Aliens, or creating cover art for classic films. This issue extends beyond the film industry, as any company using the technology in visual media, or employing someone who used it without disclosure, has faced backlash. As of now, Hasbro and Playmates have not released any content for MMPR: Re-Ignition. If confirmed, this would be another disappointment for longtime Power Rangers fans, who have been seeking an end to the frequent revisits to Mighty Morphin and are still upset about the auctioning off of decades’ worth of props and costumes last year.

io9 has reached out to Playmates for confirmation on the use of generative AI in Re-Ignition and will update when a response is received.

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