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The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today released its assessment of mobile ecosystems, including operating systems, app stores, and mobile browsers. We are pleased to provide an overview of Android, Chrome, and Play’s support for users, businesses, and the wider mobile ecosystem in the UK.

Android has increased choice, reduced prices, and democratized access to smartphones and apps. It is the only successful and viable open-source mobile operating system that developers and manufacturers can use to build helpful and secure apps and devices.

This open-source model offers significant economic benefits and is a critical source of growth. In the UK, the Android app economy generated over £9.9 billion in revenue for British developers, and supported over 457,000 jobs across the UK. Due to Android, there are over 24,000 phone models available in the market, at every price point, from more than 1,300 manufacturers. We estimate that Android has saved developers over one million days they would otherwise spend adapting to different operating models for each smartphone – the equivalent of £300 million in reduced costs.

Our commitment to choice and openness on Android and Google Play creates opportunities for innovation that other platforms we compete against simply don’t afford – from allowing for multiple app stores and browser engines to piloting new ways for users to pay for in-app purchases. The CMA has already recognized the benefits of our open approach in the course of its ongoing market investigation into mobile browsers.

We will work constructively with the CMA on these topics and pursue outcomes that avoid stifling choice and opportunity for consumers and businesses, and avoid exposing users to new security and privacy risks. In doing so, we will underline our commitment to a pro-innovation, evidence-based regulatory regime that enables continued investment and UK growth.

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