Introduction to Jump Truck
If I’m given the chance to perform absurd aerial tricks in a game, I will definitely take advantage of it. In Jump Truck, a 3D solo racing game for the Playdate by Tabortop Games, flips can be beneficial or detrimental as you attempt to achieve the fastest finish time for each of the series of race tracks. Adding flips to your driving may shave off several seconds from your final time, but it could also send your truck tumbling into the abyss. It’s a delicate balance that I’ve been enjoying pushing to its limits.
Game Features
Jump Truck features seven levels consisting of straightaways, tight turns, long winding roads, ramps, and short platforms with abrupt dropoffs to navigate at high speeds to reach the floating vortex that serves as the finish line. To get the gold, you need to find shortcuts, and successfully utilizing those often requires clearing huge gaps. This is where flipping becomes particularly useful. Frontflips give you more speed, helping you cover greater distances in the air, while backflips slow you down to prevent overshooting your landing. You can initiate flips using either the D-pad or the crank, although the latter can be challenging to coordinate if you want to seamlessly resume driving and steering.
Gameplay and Addiction
There are numerous silly achievements to unlock as you progress (or die repeatedly), such as the “Soar Like an Eagle” award for spending a quarter of your time flying through the air on any given level. Jump Truck seems like the type of game that would only hold your attention for a short while, but I find myself getting drawn into it for much longer than expected, thanks to the challenge of hitting certain shortcuts. It’s surprisingly addictive.
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