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Welcome to the Jukebox Podcast from WP Tavern

[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley.

About the Jukebox Podcast

Jukebox is a podcast dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, building a successful agency through strategically planned growth.

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Meet Our Guest, David Darke

So on the podcast today, we have David Darke.

About David Darke

David is a Bristol-based entrepreneur, and a longtime WordPress user. He is the co-founder of Atomic Smash, a digital agency specializing in WordPress and WooCommerce performance optimization.

Atomic Smash’s Journey

Since its founding in 2010, Atomic Smash has grown from a two-person team into a thriving agency, known for helping businesses improve their digital platforms with WordPress.

The podcast today traces David’s experiences growing the agency, and the many highs and lows he’s been on.

David’s Story

David’s story begins in a business incubator, where the affordable desk space facilitated invaluable networking, and relationship building opportunities. Through perseverance and strategic networking, David has grown the agency from these small beginnings into a robust team of 20 professionals.

Challenges and Growth

We talk about the myriad challenges he faced, from overcoming the initial skepticism due to his age, to the trials of managing business… actual need for businesses is going to be really focused.

The way we’re adapting is basically bringing in bigger strategic brains, not just delivery, it’s about businesses and growth. That’d be business insight people. It could be even just SEO specialists, we don’t do much in the way of SEO, but that’s quite a simple thing. But actually having a specialist on the team for growth rather than just for building a website. We’re part of your team, your digital arm of your team, how does your website grow? That’s going to be our offering more and more in the future. So we’re not just delivery partners.

Conclusion and Next Steps

[00:38:11] Nathan Wrigley: Fascinating. Honestly, it’s been a really interesting chat. I’ve enjoyed very much hearing about your journey. If anybody else has shared my intuition and would like to contact you, maybe they’re interested in the way that you’ve grown, or maybe they’re going through some struggle that you have perhaps overcome already, where would be the best place to find you? Be that on social media or your website. What’s the handle that you would drop?

[00:38:34] David Darke: Yeah, probably the best place would be LinkedIn. I’ll give you a link. Yeah, I don’t actually have it off the top of my head, but it should be just LinkedIn, David Darke. But, yeah, that’s probably the best place. I’m trying to be on social media less in general so, yeah, that’s definitely a good place.

[00:38:46] Nathan Wrigley: Well, in which case, I will put that into the show notes. So if you go to, search for the episode with David Darke, D A R K E, you will find it in the show notes there. So all that it remains for me to do is to say, David Darke, thank you so much for chatting to me today. I really appreciate it.

[00:39:02] David Darke: Thank you very much. Thanks for having me.

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